We also have been praying lots about whether this is God's plan for us. Is adoption something God really wants for us or just something we want. Logically it makes sense to have a family, to love on needy children, etc. but when it comes down to it, has God set us apart of something else? We don't know exactly. So that has been our continued prayer for the past couple months. "God we love the idea of children and think we'd be good parents but is that really what you want for us? Would you rather have us serve on the other side of the world in a place that would be hard for kids? Lord, give us wisdom"
We've been on this kid-seeking journey now for about 5 years (having been married for 10 in May). And it has not been smooth or easy which makes wonder. So far I don't think we've really gotten clarity on our big question but it has become more and more clear that the need for adoptive parents through the local social services or foster to adopt system is great.
I still wonder in the end of all this, what our family will look like. And still, even through the ups and downs we trust His soverignity and keep moving forward.